1 Billion Dollars – Effect

This isn’t an exercise in fantasizing about what kind of fancy sports car, mansion, yacht or other vainglorious luxury you would buy. Instead, I challenge you to take on this thought exercise, really put some time and effort into playing this scenario out:

If you had 1 billion dollars (insert Dr. Evil laugh), or unlimited resources, what would you do? What life changing, world altering, save the planet problems would you solve?

To make this more than just a passing thought in the wind, consider the following; what solutions have already been attempted, what resource(s) (technology, money, manpower) is/are the limiting factor to solving this problem, who has already worked on this (current and past) and what flaws and innovations have they discovered in their attempts?

Now what’s the whole point of this? Why put in so much time to systematically break down these problems? These are all hypotheticals right? We’ll never have unlimited resources.

This exercise serves three purposes:

  1. Creates a framework for problem solving that can be applied to not only large- scale problems, but also on a daily basis in your current profession and industry.
  2. Removes limiting beliefs and expectations about what you can solve and accomplish. Once you break down a massive problem into smaller bite sized chunks, you can rationalize it and understand it to the point where you are not paralyzed by the grandeur of it all.
  3. Helps develop a “why”; enables you to think about creating a stronger value proposition and identifies what you think are problems that have top priority in rectifying and what you actually care about.

Let’s take a look at the three purposes at greater depth.

Framework for Problem Solving

When solving a problem, especially one that has a larger scale and impact that extends greater than your immediate environment, it can be daunting to have to start from square one. Paralysis by analysis is a real thing and it can help you build momentum if you already have somewhere to start. That’s why starting by asking questions and taking scope of the pre-existing landscape can be extremely beneficial. Ask yourself “what would this look like if it were easy?”

It is a similar concept to finding a mentor; they have already tried many paths and experienced mistakes and setbacks. It is only logical to utilize this knowledge base to make your efforts more efficient and expedient. This exercise can help you build a framework that is unique to you. Find what works for you, what helps you break down a problem into manageable and actionable steps, then apply it.

Expand Your Belief Systems

I am not a “creative type”. I tend to fall into the categories of rational, logical, analytical or any other descriptor than leans towards following a straight line approach. Therefore, it is helpful to me to occasionally challenge myself and discard my preconceived notions and beliefs. Disappointment is often created by expectations, so open your mind and view everything as an opportunity and possibility.

I read that in improv comedy, the greatest taboo is to say “no, that wouldn’t work.” If one of the actors suggests that a situation should be a certain way, or that another cast member should perform a certain task, then that is the way things should be. If one were to deny the situation, the flow of the performance would come to a screeching halt. Just because a scenario might seem ludicrous in reality, on the improv stage anything can work and everything is a possibility. Use this exercise like an improv troop would and don’t shut down ideas until you’ve taken them through serious due diligence and a few iterations.

Exercise in Existentialism

Many a young 20-somethin’ year old find themselves in an “existential crisis” (insert snarky comment on millennials). What do I do with the rest of my life? Does my job really matter? Am I making a difference in the world? Well if you do find yourself asking these questions, I highly suggest you take the “1 billion dollar” question seriously. If you want to really make a difference, why aren’t you? Think about what really grinds your gears, what makes you pissed off, and how could you solve it? What is a skill that is uniquely your own that you could apply to help the most amount of people possible? Or on a smaller scale how could you disrupt your current industry and make changes to improve the “system.” This exercise falls in line with creating a personal mission statement and finding your value proposition. For more resources if you’re questioning whether or not you’re on the right path give ‘Start with Why’ by Simon Sinek a read.

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings.


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