Best way to reach your goal… remember, you must die

Memento Mori – A Latin phrase the literally translates to “Remember, you must die.”

This phrase wasn’t intended to dredge up some depressing thoughts about the triviality of life or make you worry about your morbidity. Rather, it was, and still is used as a reminder to make today count. Memento mori encapsulates the philosophy of living every day to the fullest and seizing opportunities when they arise.

I have applied this concept to my everyday life and it has proven to be surprisingly effective at creating new opportunities for growth.

I have started a daily exercise that I call “The Final Countdown” (TFC)

I created a countdown timer on my phone that tracks the estimated number of days I have left to live (based on rough actuarial tables).

Every morning (almost, sometimes I fall off the wagon) I take a screenshot of my countdown and think of something I want to accomplish or do that day. This can vary from something related to work productivity, being more mindful, doing something that I love, connecting with people etc.

Once I have thought of what I want to focus on, I post the screenshot with the goal written down on my Instagram story.

This activity serves two purposes:

  1. It makes me be intentional with my day. I have to be deliberate and act with a sense of purpose. It provides focus and clarity and gives me a constant reminder to move past the noise and fluff and focus on the things that I actually care about.
  2. Posting it on my story holds me accountable. People see me posting every day (they either think this idea is the best thing since sliced bread or that I’m weird and morbid) and mention it if they see that I missed a few days. I do have to mention that it can get challenging to think of different things every day, and sometimes it is also good to take a break so you’re not over-saturating your life with social media.

While long term goals are important, it is even more so to have a system of daily tactics to get you there. Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, once famously said that “losers have goals, winners have systems.” He defines systems as activities that, even resulting in failure, still have a net positive effect and teaches transferable skills. Be intentional with your day, do something that is meaningful. The more purpose you put behind your actions, the more opportunities flow to you. Don’t get caught in the rat race of just spinning your wheels everyday in the same routine. Be purposeful, not busy because remember, we all must die.

Endeavor – think of some daily activity that could incrementally improve your life. Do something everyday that brings you purpose, even if it’s only for 15 minutes a day. Try it for a month and track your results. Measure for improvements in your productivity, general mood, positive behaviors, or new opportunities. Do something that is authentic and exciting to you!


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